Madison-Mullis Scholarship Endowment

Established in 1990 by then municipal attorney and local executive director of the League of Cities, Claude Mullis, this fund honors lifetime Jacksonville resident and nationally known expert in municipal law, William M. Madison. The estate of local planning expert Todd Deming provided additional funds. The combined endowment provides a fellowship for full-time graduate students in the master?s of public administration program, as well as lectures.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you been accepted to the Masters in Public Administration program at the University of North Florida?
  2. Please provide your Undergraduate institution, major, and GPA:
  3. Are you an Admitted Graduate MPA student?
  4. Please provide the Number of UNF graduate courses completed (optional):
  5. Please provide your UNF graduate grade point average (optional):
  6. Please upload your resume.
  7. Please upload a letter of recommendation from person familiar with your academic performance and especially professional performance
  8. Please upload a second letter of recommendation from person familiar with your academic performance and especially professional performance
  9. Please upload a two page essay discussing your record of commitment to, and your career goals in the nonprofit sector
  10. Please include 2 References (name/position/organization/phone number/email):
  11. Show 5 more